Health & WellnessHerbalism

Apothekary Reviews: Mother Nature’s Farmacy

Apothekary Reviews: Mother Nature’s Farmacy

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What is Apothekary?

I wanted share my personal reviews of Apothekary because it has become one of my absolute favorite companies. If you follow me on social media then you’ve probably seen me mention Apothekary many times. I just love them! If you’re not in the mood to read my blabbery or you’re just here for the promo discount go ahead and scroll down, it’s there!

Apothekary is a company focused on natural health and wellness. They believe food is medicine (and so do I) hence the “farmacy.” My mother stumbled upon their site when she was looking for Christmas gift ideas and now we’re both obsessed. Hint: these are awesome consumable gifts.

What Apothekary Sells

herbal superfood powders maca in glass bottles from apothekary for review
My recent order of Apothekary blends.

Apothekary takes various superfoods, adaptogens, antioxidants, mushrooms, and other goodies and turns them into custom blends you can add to food and drink. Their stuff is rooted in traditional herbalism and Ayurveda.

They have really upped their game since they started and I’ve enjoyed watching them grow. One important thing you’ll notice is that their mushrooms are specifically sourced from fruiting bodies. There is some controversy in the industry when companies only use mycelium which some consider inferior, not to mention cheaper. I noticed on my newest bottle of You Dew You it specifically says they use fruiting bodies for cordyceps and chaga mushrooms, so that is a huge selling point.

All ingredients are plant based and organic, fair trade, non GMO, no fillers, and nothing hidden. My favorite part is no sugar OR sweeteners. I cannot stand things being sweetened for me. I personally use honey or monk fruit and that’s about it. You can easily see what is in each blend and it’s only 5 or 6 ingredients on average.

They also sell individuals to build your own farmacy, like ashwagandha, lion’s mane, sea moss…too many to list. You can read all about each ingredient on their website. Need to chill out? Hi, yes that would be me. How about Chill the F* Out. Can’t sleep? Try Do Not Disturb. Skin is a mess? You Dew You. Feeling like a sloth? Slay All Day. There’s Mind Over Matter for brain fog, blends for gut health, immunity, and so on. Stop Your Wine-ing is probably the most popular and as you might have guessed is an alternative for that nightly glass of wine. I would like to do individual Apothekary reviews since I have tried a majority of their products at this point, this is just my general opinion on the entire line.

There are tons of herbal supplements out there to take in capsule and tincture form, and I definitely use those too but I like some variety. I think most of us would rather reach for an icy cold or comforting hot drink to sip on, or tasty little snacks. Especially if we have junky bad habits we’re working on. We want things that taste good. It’s much more satisfying than trying to wash down capsules. I seriously get excited for my morning coffee with Mind Over Matter mushroom blend.

Integrating Apothekary Into Your Lifestyle

While conventional medication has it’s place, I’ve been slowly steering away from it for a while and trying to get to the root of my problems instead of quick fixes. For example I didn’t realize how much ibuprofen I was taking on a daily basis and it was wreaking havoc on my stomach. I needed to figure out why I was having so much joint pain and inflammation and deal with that directly. I don’t need to take it daily anymore. Maybe once every few months. In return, my stomach issues have subsided.

Herbs, mushrooms, and other superfoods help your body and brain do it’s job better, help fight inflammation, and some of the toxins that are inevitably going to make their way in. These are not magical potions, they are support. I’m not making any crazy claims. You have to look at the whole picture. What you consume everyday directly affects how your body functions. Our society consumes a lot of garbage, half the time not even intentionally and it’s no wonder we feel like it too. Modern food is laden with modified sugars and man-made chemicals that our bodies were not meant to process. We need to make our way back to nature.

Apothekary blue matcha chlorella ginseng coconut water drink
Blue Me Away- blue matcha ginseng blend with coconut water.

I’d say I live a mostly healthy lifestyle but I have my vices. I’m no saint. I’ve been slowly trying to get rid of toxic crap from my life (including people but that’s a different article) and replace with something better for me in the long run. Less alcohol, less caffeine, less conventional medication. This is where Apothekary has stepped in. If only they could help me kick my weird craving for fake orange cheese. Once in a while is whatever but I can feel my body screaming at me after I eat junk.

Everything in moderation. I still have my morning coffee, I just don’t have 3 more after that. Sometimes I mix an Apothekary blend into it. I’ve also cut back on my alcohol intake by about 90% something I really never thought I would ever even want to do. I still like my drinks but it’s at a much lower level now. I can tell a huge difference in how I feel and even how I look since I’ve added Apothekary into my routine.

How to Use Apothekary

I have my fave blends and rotate a few things regularly that fit my own needs (mostly stress relief, energy, and my *ahem* aging scatterbrain and skin) but I’m experimenting with everything and have come up with some really delicious recipes I want to share. I’m writing an Apothekary review of each blend in separate blog posts. Stay with me! I’m working as fast as my little hands can go. They have quite a few products.

These blends mostly incorporate into drinks like smoothies or lattes but are not limited to that at all. Peanut butter cookie dough? Yes please. If you’re not feeling imaginative they’ve done the work for us and have a Signature Blend Book full of recipes. It will make you hungry. If you’re feeling sober curious there’s the Not So Boozy Blend Book. Or if you’re like “please shut up I don’t have time for any of that” my go-to is to blend with coconut water or milk. Toss it in some yogurt. It doesn’t have to be difficult. Incorporate it into your pre or post workout shake. Throw an Apothekary blend into a to-go cup and drink it on your way to work.

Other Things I Love

I’m weirdly obsessed with collecting and reusing glass bottles and jars. Other than sample packets, all Apothekary products come in high quality class bottles that I reuse for my own herbal blends and syrups.

The gold spoons are another fun addition. These are dosing spoons and come in both small and large to work perfectly with each size bottle. If you spend enough they will usually offer one free, or you can order the Spoon Me Set. I think I’ve collected about 8 spoons at this point, I always keep one in my travel bag.

The Promo

blue me away, sampler packets, stop your wine-ing apothekary glass bottles with gold spoon on a towel

If you’d like to try Apothekary here is $40 off your first order (of $60 or more) and check back for any new promos, I will update as they come! They have lots of different samplers and starter sets with frothers and the cutest gold dosing spoons to dig perfectly into those bottles. You really don’t have to spend more than $20 after the discount unless you want to. That will give you PLENTY to try out. It’s definitely worth it. Go take a peek.

Learn more about Apothekary here.

My individual Apothekary reviews and recipes are coming. Check back for updates! Update 2/09/2023: I promise I will have a full review and recipes for Stop Your Wine-ing by next week.

For more reading about food for health, head over to What to Eat When You’re Sick: The Best Foods For Cold and Flu.

You can also read individual Apothekary reviews and star ratings from customers right on their website under each product.

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