
Health Disclaimer:

All health related articles are for educational purposes only and not medical advice. This includes but is not limited to any discussion of natural supplements or herbs. Always consult a medical professional before starting anything new. Even natural substances can have negative side effects, be inappropriate for certain medical conditions, and interact with medications. 

flat lay photo of alternative medicines
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

Affiliate Links

Some posts include affiliate links. As an Amazon associate I make a small commission for qualifying purchases. It will always be clearly noted in the post when there is one. Not every article will contain them. There is no extra cost to you if you do purchase a product or subscription and in many cases I’m able to provide a discount. You are of course in no way obligated to buy anything. I do not receive free products or services in exchange for mentioning them on my blog. I seek out these partnerships myself. I’m always excited to recommend stuff that I love and have been doing it for free for as long as I can remember! Why not get paid? I try new things all the time (translation: I shop too much) so I’m only promoting what I’m happy with. However you won’t have to look at annoying ads in between every paragraph. There may be advertisements here and there but nothing too distracting or in the way. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to read something while dodging tons of ads and popups. I would like to keep this space clean and easy to read. So that’s all, and thank you for reading. Your support is appreciated!

Foraging and plant identification

Northeast Medicinal herbs by Liz Neves

All information contained on this website is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This one is so important and I cannot stress it enough; do not solely use any information or photos contained in this blog for identification of plants or mushrooms. While I will always do my best to make sure all information posted is factual, mistakes do happen, even with experts! I am not responsible for what you decide to consume so do so at your own risk. I NEVER consume anything without quadruple checking with multiple sources and I highly suggest you do the same. Do not take one person’s word for it. I will provide helpful outside resources whenever possible. As a general rule you should use multiple sources for identification including but not limited to: books, experts in the field, other blogs, websites, foraging groups, etc. Compare photos, drawings and text. There are toxic look alikes and one mistake can be fatal. When in doubt, throw it out. Let’s keep it fun and stay safe!

turkey tail mushroom
Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes Versicolor)