
Welcome to Catnip & Kombucha

Welcome to Catnip & Kombucha

If you somehow landed here, hello! This site is brand spanking new and I’m still very new to WordPress. Please be patient with me as I learn the setup. I have the bare bones up and running and I’m working diligently to get articles posted. I have so much to share so this will be a constant work in progress and ever evolving. I’m really excited to finally be doing this.

First I’ll be reviewing the book Raised Naturally: A Parent’s Guide to Herbal Medicine From Newborn to Adolescence Step by Step. Other upcoming articles will be about beginner composting, finding and harvesting edible/medicinal weeds in your yard, and DIY pallet raised garden beds. If you haven’t looked around yet you can check out the about section or contact me here. I don’t have a mailing list set up but I’m working on that too. Thanks for visiting and bookmark this page for new posts.

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